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We can assist you with applications for:


We can guide you through the maze of the application process


We are able to support you with all aspects of the on-line application process. Either working alongside you, offering advice and guidance or you may wish to delegate completion of the application to us in its entirety. With our knowledge and expertise in this area we will eliminate the uncertainty for you to ensure the application is accepted first time around.


This is an integral part of the application process as it underpins the foundation of your service provision. We will work with you to ensure your statement of purpose reflects your vision and complies with the Registration Inspection of Social Care Regulations. Our consultants can provide guidance, rewriting or complete design of your Statement of Purpose.

Call Us on:
07396 60 48 22

Your policies will provide the framework for the operation of your business. We will work with you to develop your core policies for registration.  These will be bespoke to your service, reflecting your business model and ensure compliance with current legislation. Our consultants will meet with you to discuss your needs and can offer guidance, rewriting or complete design of your suite of policies.


The Responsible Individual is the legally responsible person for registration purposes. The RI needs to have a clear understanding of their legal role and duties. We can work with the RI to ensure that they are fully aware of their statutory responsibilities. 


Our consultants are well versed in the expected knowledge base of the RI. We can work alongside the RI to prepare them for their CIW interview, so that they attend feeling confident and knowledgeable about the legislative framework and CIW expectations.   

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